If you have tried the different weight-loss methods and failed this testimony of Pranav Kotian will give you the motivation you need. The exceptional thing about him is that he was successfully able to lose 38 kilos in just three months. This is unlike most people who try diets, self-motivation and working out and still do not achieve their weight goals. Most of the times you just need and intervention from outside in the form of advice and motivation to push you to lose the extra weight which will, in turn, improve your self-esteem.
Kotian decided to transform his body when his table tennis coach told him that he does not have the body of a sportsman. The coach told him that he would be a better sportsman if he was in shape and he took care of his body. This made him think hard and he made a decision to transform how he looked and how he felt.
To change his lifestyle he stopped eating junk and seriously committed to fitness. His commitment was so serious that he decided to take care of his body at all times. For the next three months since he decided to become fit he did not touch any kind of junk. Prior to this, he loved his junk but after he made the decision not even the temptations from the people around him would make him eat junk food. He also committed to different types of workout including weight training and high-intensity cardio.
The main things that helped Kotian be able to lose 38 kilos in three months are being persistent and training regularly. For six days in a week, he performed high-intensity cardio and weight training. For three to four times a week, he performed HIIT and this helped him lose fat while at the same time gaining muscles.
Another important thing that contributed immensely to his success is his diet. For breakfast, he ate six egg whites with two brown pieces of bread. For lunch, he ate a protein bar and chicken salad. For dinner, he ate chicken salad and protein pancake. During his transformation, he still managed to eat his beloved burgers and pancakes.
There is a particular low calories protein pancake that helped him a lot and here is its recipe:
Ingredients: 80 grams of oats, 70 grams of banana, 3 eggs whites and two whole eggs.
To prepare this pancake you need to mix the ingredients well on a nonstick pan and then spray lite oil. You then need to put butter and cook them until you are satisfied that they are well cooked. When the pancake is ready you can top up with twenty-five to thirty grams of honey or peanut butter.
In his routine, he also incorporated intermittent fasting where you go on a sixteen hour fast overnight. This means that you will have your first meal of the day at around 1-2 pm. During the sixteen hours that you are fasting, you will just have a few liters of water and two cups of black coffee. The main benefit of this type of diet is that after the sixteen hours you can have a huge meal. This means that you will not feel as if you are starving yourself in any way.
Here are additional tips that Pranav Kotian shared to help not lose focus and stay motivated:
1 -The fact that he had put a lot of work into losing weight he did not want all that effort to lose weight. As a result, he always remembers the hard work and this motivated him to even work harder.
2 -He also made sure that the people around him also had the same mindsets. This created health competition and as a result, he was always focused.
3 -Being able to remember the negative aspects of being overweight also provided him with motivation. During the days he was overweight he had even lost his self-esteem and he was afraid to go back to those days.
4 -Being able to be fit and healthy also made him feel good about himself which in turn encouraged him to adopt the fitness lifestyle.
5 -Every day he eats healthy foods and in case he is not able to go to the gym he ensure he had done a physical activity. He also wakes early in the morning which gives him motivation for the rest of the day.
6 -He has also come to understand that patience is the main key for anyone who wants to lose weight. You will not lose the extra fat overnight but if you are patient enough you will eventually be able to achieve your weight loss goals.